Tennessee Lawmakers Make Bold Move With Bible Bill

04/09/2015 19:00

Tennessee lawmakers are trying to make the Bible the official book of the state.

A new law bill is aiming to make the Bible the official book for the Rocky Top state—Tennessee. 

Committees in both the House and Senate overwhelmingly passed the bill, according to USA Today.

But some lawmakers are opposed to the bill, with one saying it belittles the value of the Bible to be counted among official state items. 

"I'm just adamantly opposed to that. The Bible is my official book. It is. It shouldn't be put in the Blue Book with 'Rocky Top,' cave salamanders and the tulip poplar tree," Republican Senate Speaker Bill Ramsey says.

The bill's sponsor, Rep. Jerry Sexton, disagrees. 

"I don't think you could diminish (the Bible) if you tried. It doesn't need us to hold it up, it stands on its own," he says.

From here, the bill will go from committee—which passed it 7-0-2—to the House floor for a vote. CharismaNews

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