S.D. governor signs bill requiring women to wait 72 hours for abortion, longest wait in nation

03/22/2011 20:36


Gov. Dennis Daugaard has signed into law the controversial abortion bill that requires women seeking an abortion to wait 72 hours and consult with a counselor at a pregnancy help center before the procedure.

Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of South Dakota said they will file a lawsuit immediately.

“Our legal team has determined that the bill is an egregious violation of the constitution,” said Planned Parenthood media relations director Kathi Di Nicola said.

“I think everyone agrees with the goal of reducing abortion by encouraging consideration of other alternatives,” Daugaard said in a released statement. “I hope that women who are considering an abortion will use this three-day period to make good choices.”

His office declined to be interviewed today.

The governor’s office has previously stated that a threat of a lawsuit has no bearing on whether or not the governor would sign the legislation, but Daugaard would factor in the cost of litigation.

The law would take effect July 1.


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