Happy New Year Ireland, It’s Now Legal to Kill Unborn Children

01/02/2014 15:14

Every New Year’s Day heralds in a fresh start, a time of new hope and opportunity, and today is no different.

For the pro-life community in Ireland, however, the day has bittersweet overtones. In a final act of betrayal by the Fine Gael/Labour Government, the Minister for Health signed the Protection Of Human Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 into law during Christmas week. This means that this Act (which allows abortion during the full 9 months of pregnancy) will become law, and fully effective today, 1st January 2014.

This is the Government’s final gambit, their finishing touch to a year that began in December 2012, when the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, first announced his plans to legislate for the X Case. In doing so, he broke the pro-life promise that had been given to the voters, ensuring the electoral success of the members of his Party.

The past year, and its betrayals, are behind us. So the question remains: where does the Irish pro-life community go from here?

Luckily, plans are already well underway for the New Year and the Pro Life Campaign has launched a number of major initiatives to help repeal this terrible legislation.

One is the Grassroots Campaign which aims to spread the message to the voters of Ireland that the legislation introduced by the Government was passed under false pretences. We were told that abortion is necessary to save women’s lives. This is not true. Women in Ireland have always been given whatever treatment they need during pregnancy, and we want this to continue. But abortion isn’t “treatment”. Abortion doesn’t save lives; it ends them.

After so much deception and manipulation of the facts during the past year, the Grassroots Campaign is gradually showing voters throughout the country how this Government tricked them, introducing abortion on a false premise. At the next election, pro-life voters will be ready to show their displeasure to the Government.

Another campaign is LifeWorks, an education initiative which will ensure that Ireland’s young people are given the opportunity to hear the positive, pro-life message that is so often overlooked in the media. This message has been brought to many schools in Ireland already, receiving a tremendous response from teachers and students alike.

As pro-life campaigners in Ireland, we have had a tough year, but there are so many reasons to be hopeful. Our supporters have grown in number and determination. Changes in the political landscape mean that voters have more options than ever before. The Government’s treachery will not be forgotten and we will not rest until this unjust law has been repealed.  LifeNews

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