Gay Activists Tell Businesses to Provide Unlimited Health Care for ‘Transgender’ Employees

10/17/2010 14:27

From Citizen Link:

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) just upped the ante for the 337 major U.S. businesses that achieved a 100 percent rating on its Corporate Equality Index (CEI): Provide unlimited health care coverage for “transgender”employees – or lose the highest ranking.

HRC’s CEI report rates the policies and practices of businesses as they relate to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees.

Starting on Jan. 1, HRC will give “full credit” – its highest ranking – only to employers offering all benefits-eligible employees (and their dependents) at least one health insurance plan that:

  • Covers medically necessary treatments without exclusions or limitations specific to transgender individuals or to transition-related care, and
  • Conforms to current medical standards of care such as those defined by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care in determining eligibility and treatment coverage for transition-related services.

Dr. Julie Hamilton, president of the National Association for Research and Therapy for Homosexuality, said HRC’s new requirement could be quite costly – and should be taken very seriously.

“Medical treatments for transgender issues are very risky procedures, and it’s an irreversible path to take,” she said. “There should be a lot more of research done before these types of procedures become the main path to take.”

Jeff Johnston, social policy analyst for CitizenLink, said that HRC continues to push the “ideological envelope” by maintaining there are not just two genders, but many.

“Men and women with Gender Identity Disorder have a serious disconnect between their physical reality and their subjective feelings,” he said. “Rather than help them embrace the truth of their biology, HRC wants the business community to support transgender ideology – that people can change their sex through dress, surgery and hormones.”

“Now they want businesses,” Johnston said, “to affirm the belief that a person’s sex – whether male or female – can be changed.”


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