D.C. Ranked First in Extra-Marital Affairs – For Second Time in a Row

02/11/2013 20:52

For the second time in two years, Washington, D.C., has been ranked the number one city for cheaters.

Holly Petraeus, Gen. David Petraeus, Vice President Joe Biden (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)According to AshleyMadison.com, a web site that bills itself as “the world’s leading married dating service for discreet encounters,” the nation’s capital was at the top of the list of America’s Least Faithful Cities with 34,157 sign-ups – more sign-ups per capita in 2012.

“With enormous public attention paid to political cheating scandals this year, including the Gen. Petraeus affair, there was no doubt that Washington residents would be influenced. Living in DC it’s crucial to keep up appearances and therefore adultery has become a way of life for many of the city’s most powerful residents,” said AshleyMadison.com Founder and CEO Noel Biderman.

CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus resigned from his position in November, citing an extramarital affair.

“After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the president graciously accepted my resignation,” Petraeus said.

The nation’s capital also has the highest percentage of married men over the age of 50 seeking affairs.

D.C. is followed by Austin, Texas – number two – and Houston, Texas – number three on the list. In fourth place is Miami, followed by Oklahoma City, Okla., in fifth place, Richmond, Va., in sixth place, Boston, Mass., in seventh place, Philadelphia in eighth place, Lincoln, Neb., in ninth place, and Phoenix, Ariz., in 10th place. CNSNews

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