A new security fence is making Israel’s northern border stronger than ever

10/06/2013 08:43

A fence is just one element in protecting Israel’s border, but it has a significant role. Throughout the Jewish holidays last month, the Golan Heights remained in a state of high alert and has remained so afterward as well. Recently, during a surprise training session, soldiers from the Nahal Brigade tested a trial section of the new fence being built along the border with Syria. The fence was built to prevent illegal crossings by hostile infiltrators coming over as a result of the unrest happening on the other side of the border. It is similar to the security fence in Southern Israel along the Egyptian border.
A hole in the fence made while testing out a trial section of the new security fence going up along the northern border with Syria.

A hole in the fence made while testing out a trial section of the new security fence going up along the northern border with Syria.

The IDF must be prepared for every situation and therefore brought in forces from the Golan Brigade to test out how well the new fence stands up to a variety situations that could be expected. Colonel Eric Hen, commander of the Golan Brigade, says these trials are being done in order to learn where the weak spots are and to understand the benefits the fence can offer.

After successful test firings, IDF forces wanted to identify how easy it was to cross the fence. Patrol forces carried out a surprise ambush. “The patrol vehicles that experienced gunfire from across the fence now know how it works without question. Most of the situations that can occur will be shut down with the initial patrol force. The forces there will not have to wait for additional reinforcement and tanks during the first stage. Our forces showed their ability to cross the fence if necessary,” Col. Hen said.

Firing toward a test section of the new fence along the Syrian border.

The Nahal Brigade soldiers simulated a variety of other situations practicing exchange of fire between IDF forces and the enemy. The effect is clear – the fence stood firm against all kinds of shooting and lessened the force of impact. “In the case of a powerful attack, the effect is much less significant as result of the fence. Damage from missiles fired at vehicles traveling along the fence was diminished. When needed, soldiers used vehicles to protect themselves and shoot toward the enemy,” added Col. Hen.

The fence, which is in the midst of construction, is five meters tall and surrounded by barbed wire fences and trenches. In addition to the fence, a reinforced system for collecting field intelligence was created, allowing fast and comprehensive alerts before damage can be done. The IDF has also increased the number of troops stationed there. In recent years, the area was guarded by reserve forces, but now more and more select units of regular infantry are coming to guard in the Golan Heights because of the growing need.  IDFBlog


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